Run by mum's with multiples once every 3 to 4 months the Hamilton Multiple Birth Club holds and an antenatal information evening for parents-to-be of multiples. The evening is hosted by parents of multiples and covers a realistic view point of pregnancy, birth and the early days after birth of multiples. The format of the evenings is made up of personal experiences from multiple parents, medical aspects of multiple births and pregnancies (given by a qualified midwife). We also discus childcare options and support that can be provided to families of multiples and some information on how to access the WINZ 240 hours of home help for families with an older child under the age of 5 years old. Antenatal parents also have access to the Hamilton Multiple Birth Club’s library during these evenings – a great resource for those unanswered questions. The antenatal information evenings are a great way to network with people who are experiencing/have experienced similar situations to you.
Our next Antenatal Evening towards the end of March 2020
If you are expecting twins or more and would like to attend an evening please email us at Subject: Registration/New Mums.
For parents/caregivers of multiples and we encourage expectant mums to come and join in the fun. A time for coffee and a chat with other parents, a great way to share tips and strategies. A nanny is available to assist with the care of children. Morning Tea is provided for the parents, thanks to Nurture In-Home Childcare.
Sessions: The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Venue: Hamilton Bridge Club, Richmond St Hamilton. Next door to Plunket.
Time: 9am (or when you can) till 11 am.
There are also other coffee mornings running in Te Awamutu.
If you are interested in holding or organsing a coffee morning in your area please contact us so we can give you information and contact details of people in your area. Subject: Coffee Mornings.
“The Multiplier”
Upon paying your registration you will begin to receive a monthly copy of our newsletter edited by a Mum with twin children (+ more) It is brimming with the latest club news, tips, club member profiles, useful links and tips, articles and so much more.
If you have any information, profiles or articles you would like to see in the newsletter please email us at subject: Newsletter.
We have a full range of hire equipment available for memebers, from car seats, to pushchairs and so much more! Hireage is per month, maximum of three months with the exception of car seats, which is 6 months. For members the bond is as stated and for Non Members – Bond is double plus rental paid in advance. All hire equipment is paid for up front at the time of hiring
To see a full list of what we can offer please click here hire-equipment
We have a range of books to offer to our members.
Books on Multiples
Books on Feeding
Parenting Books
Books you can read to your children.
You can find a list of all available title here BOOKS
We have a great relationship with a number of stores throughout the Waikato and New Zealand. You must be a member of the Hamilton Multiple Birth Club and show your membership card to gain these discounts.